The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Gera at Conegliano (TV)
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Conegliano, Province of Treviso, Via Coderta 1; train station at Conegliano on the Venezia-Udine line about 500 m/.3 mile to the south. It is located along the Prosecco bike route.

This villa is still included among the Venetian villas, even though it was constructed during the nineteenth century, after the fall of the Serenissima [the nickname for the Venetian Republic, RB]; design and construction were commissioned by Bartolomeo Gera, around 1830, to Giuseppe Jappelli, a Venetian architect best known for the design of parks and gardens and for Caffè Pedrocchi in Padua. The villa is set on a slope among the hills north of Conegliano, in a panoramic location and surrounded by a garden and vineyards on the slope. Although highly visible from afar, it is barely visible from close up, being surrounded by a high stone wall. The only complete view of the facade that one can get is from the end of Via De Amicis, which can be reached from Piazza Cima, the center of Conegliano, by going up the street to the left of the teatro [theater] [Via Accademia], and then turning left onto the Via, as far as the end of the climb.

The appearance of the villa is like so many others of the eighteenth century, neoclassical and neo-Palladian; the facade is in the form of a Greek temple and consists of a large loggia with eight Ionic columns; on the pediment there are bas-reliefs by Marco Casagrande. Inside there are frescoes by Giovanni De Min.

Latest visit: 2016-10-30

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