The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Onigo at Trevignano (TV)
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Trevignano (Treviso), Via F. Mazzarolo 5, altitude 77 m/253 feet above sea level; train station at Trevignano-Signoressa, about 3 km/2 miles to the east.

The villa is situated in the center of the villa of Trevignano opposite a church and its campanile. It was designed by the architect Andrea Pagnossin by way of a commission from Francesco Onigo, and was completed in 1687.

The style of the villa is clearly neo-Palladian; at the center of the main facade there is a large loggia with four Ionic columns that rest on a rusticated loggia. Within the pediment is the Onigo family crest. Inside there are frescoes by Giovanni Colombini.

Today the villa is the property of the municipality of Trevignano and houses the public library on the ground floor. The piano nobile [main floor] is used occasionally for various types of events. The grounds are open to the public.

Latest visit: 2014-09-14

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