Bicycle routesMapVeneto by bicycle
Via Claudia Augusta from Spresiano to Venice
Altimetry, map, time table - 60 km - Flag

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Description of the route
Logo Via Claudia Augusta

This route traces the final segment of the Via Claudia Augusta, the Roman road that connected the Germanic city of Augusta (today Augsburg) with Altino, today part of the town of Quarto d’Altino. This final segment takes one as far as Venice. The route also passes nearby two attractive Venetian villas: Villa Loredan at Vascon and Villa Giustinian at Roncade.

Point of departure is the train station at Spresiano on the Venezia-Udine line. From the station one should leave by the rear onto Via Tagliamento and head right, cycling along the train tracks and then along a straightaway as far as the village of Lovadina. From here head south along Via Gasparotto Vecellio and take it all the way to the village of Vasco, in the township of Carbonera.

From here one takes Via Callegari, and once barely outside the village it is recommended to make a brief side trip along Via Valier, which will take one to Villa Loredan Valier with its large park, but which can be visited only from the outside.

Once back on Via Callegari head towards the villages of Vacil and then Mignagola. Leave this latter village by way of Via Duca d’Aosta as far as crossing over the railroad tracks in the locality of Olmi. After the tracks take the street to the right, Via Marconi, and after a short distance we find the first specific reference to Via Claudia Augusta which here consisted of a very long straightaway. We get on it by turning left and after another short distance we end up on Via Postumia, another ancient Roman road.

At this point any trace of the Claudia Augusta is lost, we turn right just before a rotary and then left onto a street, Via Agozzo, the name of which seems to recall “Augusto”. We follow this street crossing through several rotaries until we come to Via Malviste on the left; a few hundred meters [yards] further and one comes to another “Via Claudia Augusta” sign and the long straightaway that points directly towards Altino. From the straightaway there is an option to take a side trip to Roncade, famous for its castle, but which is better known as Villa Giustinian.

After the final juncture with Via Belvedere the condition of the road becomes worse and worse changing to unpaved and with an increasingly bumpy surface; the final section is completely broken up and during bad weather can transform into a bog. Finally one runs into Via Treponti which we take towards the left as far as Musestre, a district in the town of Roncade. We cross through the village and reach the bridge over the river Sile, we cross over and once across the river we enter the province of Venice and the town of Quarto d’Altino, where there is a train station on the Venezia–Trieste line and where one could conclude this route.

One can also incorporate the bike loop along the Sile as far as Altino.

From Quarto d’Altino one can also continue to Venice on bike, cutting through Marcon, the site of large commercial centers, and then through Mestre, as far as the Ponte della Libertà, which takes one directly into Venice.

Latest visit 2015:04:05
