Bicycle routesBicycle routes mapThe Veneto by bicycle
Via Claudia Augusta
From Feltre to Borgo Valsugana Flag

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Via Claudia Augusta, was a Roman road which ran from Altino, important center of Venezia [referring then to the name of the region, not the city), to Augusta Vindelicorum (now called Augsburg) in Bavaria. Work began in 15 BC under the rule of Emperor Augustus and continued under his stepson Drusus the Elder and concluded around the year 45 AD under the rule of Emperor Claudius.

Today little remains of this road and in many sections it is not even clear where the road had been.

The name has survived largely in the place-names of the local communities through which it passed, but there are few tangible remains of the Roman road itself.

This route has now been proposed as part of an ambitious plan for a bike route, still rather fragmented, although the Esterbauer guides (referenced below) do provide a complete route from Augsburg to Altino and Venice, with a variant that leads from Trento to Verona and Ostiglia.

As part of this larger route there are various sections which I have already tried and described on this website:

Sources and links