The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Gallici at Cassacco (UD)
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Map of the villa and surroundings

Montegnacco, a district of Cassacco, Province of Udine, 225 m/740 feet above sea level, Via Gallici; train station at Tarcento, on the Udine-Tarvisio line, about 2 km/1.2 miles to the north, or at Tricesimo, about 2 km/1.2 miles to the south. The villa can be reached by way of a short side trip off the Alpe Adria bike route.

This villa is set in an attractive location on a small hill north of Udine; the original construction of the villa is believed to date back to the sixteenth century and corresponds to what now is the foresteria [guest quarters]; the main body of the current villa would have been built in the seventeenth century on behalf of the noble Gallici family which settled in Friuli from Bergamo; the villa acquired its current appearance in the eighteenth century.

The villa has its entrance at the piano nobile [main floor] level, reached by an imposing stairway consisting of two, symmetrical runs. The facade is also perfectly symmetrical and is crowned by a large dormer with three arched windows that are in turn surmounted by a triangular pediment.

Adjacent to the main villa, on the left, are the guest quarters [foresteria], and a bit further along, rotated 90° to them, is a barchessa with a portico of eight arches surmounted by small, elliptical windows.

Today the villa is the property of the noble Deciani family which inherited it from the Gallici in the late nineteenth century. It is used for events (weddings, conferences, etc.) and can be visited by making an appointment; see the official villa website by clicking the link below.

Latest visit: 2015-07-05

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