The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Priuli della Nave at Martellago (VE)
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Martellago, altitude 11 m/36 feet above sea level, Piazza della Victoria 14. FS train station at Maerne/Martellago, about 2 km/1.2 miles to the south on the Venezia-Bassano-Valsugana line. The villa is on Via Castellana and along the Venezia Bassano bike route.

This villa is now best known for its expansive golf course that has occupied the villa grounds since 1988.

The land on which the villa was constructed was acquired by the Venetian Priuli family, at the end of the 15th century, but by a branch of the family known as “Priuli della Nave,” hence the name of the villa, which was constructed between 1566 and 1581.

The villa passed ownership to the Grimani family during the 17th century and then to the Morosini family, so that the villa is known also as Villa Grimani-Morosini, and during the 19th century it was named for the Austrian general Gatterburg. After many more changes of ownership, in 1984, it was donated to the municipality of Martellago, which a year later sold it to the corporation which turned it into one of the largest of the Venetian golf courses.

Today, in addition to the golf course, the villa houses a swimming pool, a restaurant, and spaces for exhibits and events. For more information consult the official website indicated below.

Latest visit: 2021-05-09

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