The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Moscheni at Mira (VE)
  Barchesse di villa Valmarana - Villa Seriman - Villa Querini - Villa Franceschi - Villa Contarini dei Leoni Flag

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Map of the villa and surroundings

Mira, 4 m/13 feet above sea level; Via Riscossa 3-5; train station at Oriago ST, 2 km/1.2 miles to the east, on the Venezia-Adria line. By bicycle the villa is reached from the north side of the Riviera del Brenta bike route.

This villa was constructed at the beginning of the eighteenth century in the locality of Riscossa on behalf of the Moscheni family; its most obvious characteristic is the set of four large dormer windows arranged as a cross, one on each side of the villa. The principal facade faces onto the Brenta Canal which in this location is lined by a local road, since the SR 11 [regional highway] runs a bit to the north. At two sides of the villa there are two barchesse [farm support buildings], now used as private residences.

The villa went through many changes in ownership and many alterations superimposed over the original structure; during the twentieth century the villa was restored to its original condition.

Today the villa is the property of the Baldan family and can be visited only by making an advance reservation.

Latest visit: 2015-03-01

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