Bicycle routesMapVeneto by bicycle
Mincio: Villafranca - Mantova
Altimetry, map, time table - 43 km - Flag

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Detailed directions about the route can be obtained from the altimetry (last figure of the gallery), from the captions of the individual photos and from the "Google Map" at the bottom right, which can be enlarged as desired. Double clicking on the photos you can view them at the highest resolution.

Description of the route

This route is a variation on the bike route of the Mincio, but with its starting point from Villafranca di Verona and its termination in Mantova.

Point of departure is the FS train station at Villafranca di Verona, on the Verona-Modena line. Nowadays Villafranca is known primarily for the nearby Verona-Villafranca airport (one can hear the roar of the planes above one’s head …) and in the past, for the famous peace treaty of Villafranca which on 11 July 1859 put an end to the second Italian war for independence, and signed by the two emperors: Napoleon III of France and Franz Joseph of Austria and thus giving control to the King of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel II to become the first King of Italy since the 6th century. The most visible landmark, all the same, is the Scaligero Castle which is easily reached from the train station.

To continue start on the street to the right of the castle and immediately after turn left onto Via Nino Bixio (where there is a bike lane on the sidewalk). Shortly after, on the right and well-signed, is the beginning of the bike path to Valeggio sul Mincio, that starts off with poor asphalt paving and then becomes natural surface altogether.

One rides through agricultural lands, between fruit trees (peach, apple and kiwi), vineyards and fields of corn. Follow the bike route signage for Valeggio, where one arrives in about ten km/six miles.

In Valeggio one will see the entrance to the large Parco Sigurtà, which can be visited but requires an admission fee, and a bit further along Villa Maffei. From here one joins a down-sloping section of roadway, be careful due to the intense traffic, which takes one through the neighborhood called Borghetto sul Mincio, promoted as one of the most beautiful areas of Italy.

From Borghetto to Mantova follow the route described on the bike route of the Mincio page, but in reverse order.

Latest visit 2017:07:08
