The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Maffei at Valeggio sul Mincio (VR)
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Valeggio sul Mincio, Piazzetta Conte Carlo Sigurtà 1/2/3; altitude 97 m/318 feet above sea level; train station at Peschiera del Garda, about 12 km/7.5 miles to the north, on the Milano-Venezia line. The villa is located on the Villafranca - Mantova bike route which runs by just north of Valeggio.

The villa was constructed in 1693, on behalf of Carlo and Antonio Maffei, by the architect Vincenzo Pellesina, on the site of an earlier structure dating back to the 15th century. During the 19th century the villa passed ownership to the Nuvoloni family, and in 1859 the villa functioned first as the headquarters of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph and then of Napoleon III during the period of the Conference of Villafranca, which ended the Franco-Piedmontese war against Austria.

The facade that is visible from the entrance gate is in a style vaguely Palladian with a recessed central loggia, but with an excess of window pediments, stucco ornamentation and pinnacles. Surrounding the villa is a huge park which stretches to the north along the Mincio.

Since 1941 the villa has belonged to the Sigurtà family of the Milanese pharmaceutical giant, from which derived the new name Villa Sigurtà. Currently it is used for events, such as weddings and conferences.

Latest visit: 2017-07-08

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