Bicycle routesMapVenezia by bicycle
Marco Polo Airport → Venice
Altimetry, map, time table - 19 kmVenice → Marco Polo Airport Flag

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Detailed directions about the route can be obtained from the altimetry (last figure of the gallery), from the captions of the individual photos and from the "Google Map" at the bottom right, which can be enlarged as desired. Double clicking on the photos you can view them at the highest resolution.

Description of the route

There really is no true bike route from Venice to the airport; on the bike map of the city of Venice, indicated as planned are: a) a bike path along the Osellino Canal, as far as Forte Bàzzera, which is adjacent to the airport, the first section having been completed in 2016; and b) a bike lane along Via Triestina, all the way to the airport. Let’s see if these projects really get constructed during the next few years.

The route described below and the accompanying map to the right, is different from the route coming the other way (Venice to airport), it follows along city roads, away from the lagoon. And even though it is about 2 km/1.2 miles longer, since all of it is paved, the travel time is about the same, and perhaps even faster.

The route coming the other way is unpaved and follows along the lagoon: Venice - Airport.

Upon leaving the terminal one reaches the large rotary at the entrance to the airport; take Via Triestina to the left; after a section that is narrow and very busy, that requires extreme caution, and after an intersection, you will find on the right a bike/pedestrian path and at its end Via Piovega, a street with little traffic, but very narrow, which eventually runs back into Via Triestina; after a while you will reach a rotary where Via Vallenari starts, which has a bike lane on the right.

Follow Via Vallenari up to where you cross over the ring road; a bit further a new rotary allows one to access the brand new Via Tina Anselmi, which once again has a bike lane, but on the left; this new street takes one directly to the new bridge rotary over the Marzenego River.

After the rotary you will come to the bike lane on the right side of Via Sansovino, cross another bridge over the Salso Canal, and continue along Via Ancona up to where you turn left to get on the bike lane of Via Torino; at the end the bike route first climbs to cross over the railroad tracks and then dives into the hole into the underpass to the Porto Marghera train station (get off your bike!) which allows you to pass under the SR11 highway and arrive in front of the Antares pavilion of the Vega (Parco scientifico tecnologico di Venezia).

From here the remainder of the route coincides with the new bike route into Venice

Latest visit 2023:09:30
