The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Zaguri at Padova, Altichiero (PD)
  Barchesse of Villa Fini - Barchessa di villa Thiene - Villa Giovanelli - Villa Vendramin-Cappello - Villa Molin Flag

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Map of the villa and surroundings

Padova, Via Altichiero 180; altitude 15 m/50 feet above sea level; train station at Padova, 5 km/3 miles to the south. The villa is situated on the northwestern edge of Padova between a street and the river Brenta, and along the Bassano-Padova bike route.

The earliest information about this villa dates back to 1582, when Anzolo and Batta Zaguri declared possession of a manor house with agricultural fields. It was to remain the property of the Zaguri family until the end of the eighteenth century.

The main facade is the one that faces the river, similar to, but a bit simpler than the one that faces the street. Both of the facades have a balcony in the middle with a tripartite Palladian window and a row of oval windows at the top floor. Adjacent to the villa is a barchessa that recently has been rebuilt. The villa has been renovated in recent years and is excellent condition.

The villa currently is private property and is used for various events. It may be visited the first Monday of every month.

Latest visit: 2018-01-21

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