The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Bon at Mira (VE)
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Mira, Riviera Giacomo Matteotti 7, 6 m/20 feet above sea level; train station at Mira Buse about 1km/.6 mile to the southeast; reachable on bicycle from the Riviera del Brenta bike route.

Among the many villas that face the Brenta Canal this Villa Bon distinguishes itself by having its main facade not facing the canal, but rather rotated 90°, towards the garden.

The first section of the villa seems to have been constructed at the end of the sixteenth century on behalf of the Bon family which through marriage had ties with the Contarini family. The structure went through various design changes in particular the redesign of the narrow facade facing the canal and the nineteenth century addition of the service building to the south. After several changes of ownership, since 1920 it has been the property of the Tessier family.

Inside there are frescoes attributed to Giandomenico Tiepolo son of the more famous Giambattista.

The villa remains private property and can be visited only by groups and only by making reservations.

Latest visit: 2014-07-11

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