The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Lazara Pisani, la Barbariga at Stra (VE)
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Stra, district of San Pietro, altitude 8 m/26 feet above sea level, Via Barbariga San Pietro; train station at Padua, 8 km/5 miles to the west and at Vigonza 4 km/2.5 miles to the north. The villa is situated along the Ciclopista del Brenta [bicycle route of the Brenta].

This villa hidden away among the trees, is characterized by its predominantly horizontal planning. The main, central building was constructed between 1620 and 1661 on behalf of the Venetian family Pisani dal Banco. During the 18th century two long wings were added with a portico facing the garden and the street; the villa was owned by Chiara Pisani, wife of Filippo Barbarigo. Ownership passed to the Lazara Pisani family and then to the Milanese family Dalle Molle.

This villa is popularly known as “la Barbariga”, a name applied both to the street and also the neighborhood where the villa is located. According to some sources the name came into use once the villa was owned by Filippo Barbarigo; according to other sources, the name already existed prior to the construction of the villa.

In front of the villa, but across Via Barbariga, there is a noteworthy clock tower, which at this time (2019) has just completed an extensive restoration and is once again resplendent.

Latest visit: 2019-04-22

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