The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Emo Calegaro at Teolo (PD)
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Map of the villa and surroundings

Teolo, hamlet of Bresseo, province of Padua, Via Euganea Praglia 2; railway station at Montegrotto Terme on the Venice-Bologna line about 6 km southeast. It is on the Euganean Hills Ring route.

. The villa dates back to the 18th century presumably of the Venetian Emo family, later passing through ownership to the Comello, Cavalli, Treves, and Capodilista families, up to the current owners, the Calegaro family, who bought it in 1968 as the headquarters of the eponymous silverware, jewelry, and other luxury goods industry. The latest restoration was started in 2016. In 2021, a museum "1921 Calegaro Space 2021" dedicated to silver will be opened for the company's 100th anniversary.

The villa a monumental appearance, with a very wide facade with a ground floor characterized by a series of arches on pillars, plus two floors, and a central body that has a third. In the center of the three floors balcony with triforium.

. Visiting the museum is possible by appointment.

Su questa linea i treni sono tutti di tipo Minuetto ed hanno quindi sempre 2 posti bici. X

Latest visit: 2023-10-08

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