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“Un Po in bicicletta” from Mantua to Sèrmide
Mantova-Sèrmide-Badia Polesine 85 km - From Sèrmide to Ferrara - Destra Po: Ferrara-Ariano Flag


A journey along the Po with a departure from Mantua, the first section along the Mincio to Governolo and then along the Po to Sermide.

Leave the train station in Mantua. You can visit the city center and then join up to the south-east by following Via Parma. Some guides and maps indicate access to a towpath along the Mincio by taking the Viale Learco Guerra on the left just after the start of the Via Parma. In fact, in September 2006 I could not find a route to the Mincio in this way. The road after skirting tennis courts, motocross paths, and gypsy camps ends as a dirt road in front of locked gates.

It is better therefore to follow Via Parma which has a good bike path that runs first on the right then on the left to Virgilio where you turn left on Via Romana, where there is yet again a section of cycle path. Then continue to the junction and take the road on the left to Virgiliana.

From here you continue on the country road to Bagnolo S. Vito and Governolo; soon after you are on the left bank of the Po and on the bike route (*)"Un Po in bicicletta"; which is adequately signed.

Continue to Revere, where you cross the bridge and continue along the right bank of the Po to Sermide.

At Sermide you can cross the bridge heading north and reach the train station at Badia Polesine. [About 25 km. RB]

Or alternatively you can continue along the Po to Ferrara

Latest visit: 2006 Oct 1

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“Un Po in bicicletta” – literally “A Po on bicycle”, is also a deliberate pun. The word “po” having a second meaning of “a little bit”. Ironic especially since the Po is Italy’s largest river. RB X