Itinerari in bici - Tables and altimetries
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Itinerary    Castellana e Terraglio
Linkable routes:  ← − → 
Total weight (cyclist + bike) in kg Power in watts Downhill Level of detail
Departure time :
m s.l.m.
expected time
You will pass here
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Pounds to kilograms (kg)Multiply pounds x .4536 = kilograms
Miles to kilometers (km)Multiply miles x 1.6 = kilometers
Kilometers to milesMultiply kilometers x .6 = miles
Meters to feetMultiply meters x 3.3 = feet
Venezia Mestre Ospedale FS9 m0 m0.0 km0:0012:00
innesto su via Castellana10 m2192 m2.2 km 0:0612:06
Martellago16 m4385 m6.6 km 0:1912:19
7.498 km 16 m s.l.m.
45.5471, 12.1549")'>Ca' della Nave
16 m921 m7.5 km 0:2212:22
12.325 km 22 m s.l.m.
45.5703, 12.1083")'>Scorze' Villa Soranzo
22 m4827 m12.3 km 0:3612:36
12.698 km 26 m s.l.m.
45.5734, 12.1083")'>Scorze' chiesa San Benedetto
26 m373 m12.7 km 0:3712:37
Cappella24 m3861 m16.6 km 0:4812:48
Mogliano Veneto12 m8049 m24.6 km 1:0913:09
villa Marcello-Giustinian7 m3299 m27.9 km 1:1913:19
villa Morosini Gatterburg5 m1295 m29.2 km 1:2213:22
Carpenedo Terraglio2 m3058 m32.3 km 1:3113:31
Venezia Mestre Ospedale FS2 m1699 m34.0 km 1:3513:35
Total34.0 km 01 h 35 m