Bicycle routesBike paths on unused railroads – “Rails to Trails”Treviso-Ostiglia logo ciclabile
Altimetry, map, schedule for this segment 28 km2° segment Loreggia-Grisignano 31 km Flag

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Point of departure for this first segment of the Treviso-Ostiglia route is the main train station at Treviso. Leaving the station to the left, bike across the parking lot until you come to the first street level crossing over the tracks, but just before which you will get onto Viale Orleans; upon coming to the second level crossing [Via Steffani], cross the railroad tracks and take the route that goes along the tracks, which shortly after joins up with the very busy Strada Noalese; luckily for the cyclist there is a bike lane, first on the left side, then on the right side of the road. You will come to the piazzale [arrival area] in front of the Treviso airport, and shortly after, on the right, you will find “Strada dell’Aeroporto” [airport road] which after about 500 m/1,600 feet takes us to the beginning of the bike path on the left (this is the new section just opened in the fall of 2013); the first section is quite gravelly, and would be better suited for a mountain bike than a street bike.

Alternatively (the one stored in the GPS trace), after the airport continue up to the rotary where, on the right side, there is a supermarket (open even on Sundays, this may be your last chance to stock up on drinks and food, since along the route there are no shops or snack bars); once through the rotary, take the small road just afterwards and turn right onto the old road into Quinto and then onto Via dei Brilli, which after about 500 m/yards takes us to the bike path.

After a little while the bike route is interrupted for a few hundred meters/yards, as it runs through the center of Quinto di Treviso; you will need to take Via Baracca and then rejoin the bike path, which now is called the "Via dei Mulini [route of the mills]. From this point on it is pretty difficult to loose your way; the route follows the roadbed of a former railroad, a super-long straight shot as far as Loreggia. The first section in the province of Treviso isn’t paved, but the surface is smooth and covered with fine gravel; it may not be ideal for the cyclist, but one can pedal without too much difficulty and without requiring a mountain bike.

Noteworthy in this first leg is the “Cervara” bridge which allows one to cross the river Sile; once you have arrived near Badoere you enter into the province of Padova [Padua] where as recently as late Spring 2012 the bike path ended at the former train station of Levada, leaving the old roadbed and train tracks pretty much impractical for the cyclist. Now the path has been paved, and was inaugurated as of October 20, 2012, great for the cyclist.

Shortly after the Levada train station you will cross Via dei Marcello (SP 50); it is worthwhile to take a short side trip to the right to visit Ca’ Marcello, a beautiful Venetian villa which is still owned by this Venetian family that produced a doge, several military leaders and composers.

The bike path continues straight as far as Piombino Dese; here another side trip takes one to Villa Cornaro, a masterpiece of Palladio.

At the end the bike path crosses the Muson torrent and joins up with the route of Muson dei Sassi in the town of Loreggia.

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