The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Rotonda (barchesse) of Villa Badoer at Badoere
Villa MarcelloVilla CornaroVilla LattesVilla Emo Flag

Galleria immagini

Badoere, district of Morgano, Treviso, 20 m/66 feet above sea level; train station at Piombino Dese about 5 km/3 miles to the southwest; near the Treviso-Ostiglia bike route. The two remaining barchesse [farm support buildings that include stables, barns and living quarters] define the central piazza of the village.

The Venetian nobleman Angelo Badoer, a member of one of the twelve apostolic families of Venice(*), commissioned architect Giorgio Massari, in the mid-eighteenth century, to design a large villa with comparably large barchesse. The primary villa structure, which was positioned asymmetrically in relation to the barchesse, was destroyed by fire in 1920.

What remained were only the barchesse: the western one, virtually intact, in the form of a semicircular arched portico surmounted by an upper floor, and the eastern one, simpler in design and straight, instead of curved.

Latest visit: 30 June 2013

These twelve families have been called apostolic because, through their patronage, they gave birth to the Republic of Venice by electing the first Doge, Paoluccio Anafesto, in 697 AD. The twelve families were: Badoer, Barozzi, Contarini, Dandolo, Falier, Gradenigo, Memmo, Michiel, Morosini, Polani, Sanudo and Tiepolo. Often added to this list are four so-called evangelist families: Bembo, Bragadin, Corner e Giustinian. X