The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Allegri at Oriago (Venice)
Villa Moro - Villa Mocenigo - Villa Foscari Flag

Galleria immagini

Oriago, a hamlet of Mira, Via Venezia 179, altitude 4 m/13 feet above sea level; train station at Oriago, on the Venezia-Adria line, or, alternatively, at Venezia Mestre about 4 km/2.5 miles to the northeast. The villa is located along the Riviera del Brenta and along the Itinerario ciclabile [bike route] del Brenta.

This small villa was constructed during the 16th century by the Allegri family and was rebuilt during the 18th century as a trysting place and hunting lodge, and as such was frequented, among others, by Giacomo Casanova and Pietro Mascagni.

During the 19th century it was used as the residence of the engineer Carl Ritter von Ghega, the designer of the Semmering railway line, part of the Vienna-Venezia railway line, as well as the route to Germany from Treviso to Ampezzo (now called Cortina). In 1848 it was the residence of the 82 year-old field marshal Josef Radetzky who from here directed the siege of Venice which lasted until 1849.

Behind the villa there is a park with an Italian style garden. The villa is still owned by the Allegri von Ghega family and now houses a bed and breakfast.