The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Valmarana at Monticello Conte Otto (VI)
  Villa Da Porto Casarotto - Villa Porto Pedrotti - Villa Valmarana - Villa Thiene - Villa Trissino Flag

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Map of the villa and surroundings

Vigardolo, district of Monticello Conte Otto, province of Vicenza, Via Vigardoletto 33. Train station at Cavazzale on the Vicenza-Schio line (*), about 2 km/1.2 miles to the southwest. The villa is located along the Vicenza-Thiene bike route.

This small villa was built in 1542 on commission of the Valmarana family, one of the riches and most noble families of Vicenza. Although the villa is not included in the second book of architecture, an autograph sketch located in London testifies that the original design is by Andrea Palladio.

The villa has a very simple gabled form, while in the middle of the facade the entrance Serliana [a motif like a Palladian window] surmounted by circular portholes is reminiscent of Villa Pojana. To the sides there are small farm support buildings.

The villa is currently open by appointment only and is used for events and weddings.

On this line all the trains are of the Minuetto type and therefore they all provide two places for bikes. X

Latest visit: 2014-04-06

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Panoramic photo: to see the entire photo, double-click on the image. X