


Strange juncture

The Po at Bottrighe


The writing on the water



At Brugine one passes in front of Villa Roberti Bozzolato seen here on the left and with its barchessa on the right.

At Pontecasale (its campanile is visible in the distance to the left) take a brief detour to visit Villa Garzoni by Sansovino, the most attractive Venetian villa that wasn’t designed by Palladio.

An unsettling choice: is it preferable to go to the slaughterhouse [macello] or to the cemetery [cimitero]?

At Bottrighe, a district of Adria, we can see the Po as we near its mouth.

The center of Adria now faces onto this canal.

Adria: in the middle of the canal there is a curious float with a gondolier and a description that recalls that this city gave the name to the Adriatic Sea; during the Roman era Adria was an important seaport; then the progressive siltation of the Po River delta moved the sea away from Adria.

Altimetry of this route.

(*) [ST = Sistemi Territoriali, the regional agency managing the Venezia-Adria railroad.]