Bicycling in EuropeBicycling in Germany - Bicycling in Denmark
From Hamburg to Copenhagen in 5 trip segments (+ 1)

The trip segments
1Hamburg-Lübeck 69 km
2Lübeck-Gremersdorf 69 km
Rødby Havn-Sakskøbing
37 km
29 km
4Sakskøbing-Køge 93 km
5Køge-Copenhagen 49 km

The program for this trip I have had in the drawer (or more appropriately…on my computer) for several years, but have postponed several times, to some degree because of the distance of the two cities from me and therefore the length of the train ride from Italy, and to some degree because of the number of days that would be required.

In 2009 plans finally took shape, thanks to DB Italia (German Railways) in Milano which after many emails and telephone calls was able to generate for me all the train reservations, including for my bike, and to send me directly, within 24 hours, all the necessary tickets. The ticket counters of Trenitalia do not have the capability of reserving space for bicycles in countries outside of Italy!

Along with my bicycle, I carried a camera bag with my Panasonic G1 and a portable Asus eee, and two panniers. Mounted on the bike I had a Garmin eTrex Vista HCx GPS navigator, an instrument I just can’t seem to give up; all the hotels were booked over the internet beforehand and their coordinates entered into the Garmin, so I would always arrive directly at the hotel at the end of each trip segment, something that seemed to work consistently and without problem.

The weather was consistently favorable, except for a few minor showers early in the morning in Copenhagen, and another bit of rain the last day in Munich, an intermediate point of my return from Denmark.

References and links