Bicycling in cities
Bicycling in Basel Bandiera
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Basel is located at the large bend of the Rhine where the river shifts from an east-west direction to a south-north direction; here the river also changes its function, from being the border between Germany and Switzerland and that of the border between France and Germany.

In fact the original city of Basel is completely within Swiss territory and comprises the Canton of Basel Stadt [Basel city], while the outskirts are partly in Switzerland, Canton of Basel Land [Basel countryside], partly in France with the cities of Saint Louis and Huningue, where the airport is located, and partly in Germany with the cities of Weil am Rhein, Lörrach and Grenzach-Wyhlen. In other words Basel is a tri-national city.


Of the three major cities of Switzerland, Zurich, Geneva and Basel the last one seems to be the most cycle-friendly and comparatively less overwhelmed by motor vehicles.

Bicycle lanes in the city

Bike lanes are everywhere and represent a fairly widespread network. Almost all bridges over the Rhine have a bike lane or a bike path; reserved only for pedestrians and cyclists is the very new (2006) Dreiländerbrücke [bridge of three nations] between Huningue (France) and Weil am Rhein (Germany), very close to the border between Switzerland and Germany.

Bicycle parking

Bike racks and bike parking areas are quite frequent; impressive is the huge bike parking area under the Basel SBB train station.

Bicycle usage

Bike use, at least in the summer, appears widespread, notwithstanding the hilly terrain of the city center where there is no lack of little climbs, although rather short.

Ultima visita il 2011-08-12

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