The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Porto Pedrotti at Dueville (VI)
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Dueville (Vicenza) 55 m/180 feet above sea level; train station at Dueville on the Vicenza-Schio line or at Vicenza on the Milano-Venezia line, about 8 km/5 miles to the south. On bicycle it is easily reachable from Vicenza, for example along the Vicenza-Thiene bike route.

The plaque at the entrance states "Arch. A. Palladio (1554)", but the attribution to the famous Vicenza architect is highly disputed. The Istituto Regionale Ville Venete [Regional Institute of Venetian Villas] on its website attributes the design of the villa to Palladio, while CISA [see definition below] suggests several reasons for doubt.

In fact, the villa is not mentioned in Palladio’s Four Books of Architecture, but there are other villas that are definitely by Palladio that are also not mentioned. The villa was built in 1554 on behalf of the clergyman Paolo Porto a friend of Giangiorgio Trissino (see Villa Trissino) and of Biagio Saraceno (see Villa Saraceno); it is therefore likely that Porto had a connection to Palladio; but some elements of the villa raise doubts, for example the portico seems to have been added at a later time.

The appearance of the villa is all the same typically Palladian with a classical portico of four Ionic columns, preceded by a monumental staircase, and surmounted by a triangular pediment with the family crest and statuary. In front of the villa there is a noteworthy garden separated from the street by a water-filled moat with water lilies. The two wings on the side were added in the nineteenth century by the architect, Caregaro Negrin.

As is clearly stated on the sign outside, the villa is privately owned and not open to visitors.

The villa is located a short distance from the eighteenth century Villa Da Porto Casarotto, similar in name, as well as appearance, as well that it is set at the end of a long straightaway.

Latest visit: 2013-05-01

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