The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Capra at Sarcedo (VI)
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Sarcedo, Province of Vicenza, Via Villa Capra; train station at Thiene on the Vicenza-Schio(*) line about 5 km/3 miles to the west. The villa is along the Vicenza-Thiene bike route.

This villa is isolated among the fields near the river Astico. It was constructed during the middle of the eighteenth century by Orazio Claudio Capra, nobleman, author, and in this case both the client and architect of Palladian influence. The final design of the villa, according to some, is attributed to Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi who thanks to the patronage of the Capra family was able to obtain the Scamozzi legacy(*).

The villa has a recessed portico with Ionic columns similar to the contemporary Villa Franceschini. Underneath the pediment is the Capra name in Latin. In front is a garden defined by a fishpond over which one crosses a footbridge to come to the villa. The interior is richly decorated with frescoes by an unknown artist.

In 1850 the villa passed ownership to the Bassani family and therefore the name Villa Capra Bassani. The villa is still owned by the Fortunato family, descendants of the Bassani. It is open to the public, but only to groups and by appointment; on the other hand, it is available for events and weddings.

On this line all the trains are of the Minuetto type and therefore always have two places for bicycles. X
The more famous architect, Vincenzo Scamozzi, more than a century earlier had arranged a bequest to allow young men from Vicenza to compete to study architecture and to assume his surname, Scamozzi. Ottavio Bertotti won that competition. RB X

Latest visit: 2014-11-16

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Panoramic photo: to see the entire photo, double-click on the image. X